Monday, October 31, 2022

Will it work?

 It's just a little stick+

He showed me how to prepare a grape branch for grafting

It is an especially sweet grape 

growing in the fertile soil, under spewing  Mt Etna Volcano.

We walked through the vineyard, always aware of the smoke rising from Mt Etna

Every now and then flying rocks from Mt Etna volcano remind everyone who is  in charge. 

And what about that stick?
It came home with me to give to my neighbor who is going to graft it onto his grape stock. 

  What else do you give a neighbor who has taken such good care of my animals  and property while I was having a grand time in Italy. 



  1. A perfect souvenir from Sicily! Not only for him but I'm sure he will share a "few grapes" with you, as well. What a clever item - I must remember when I am finally able to travel to Europe again.

    1. Dear Mary, My neighbor had asked me for permission to cut a few branches from my Interlaken grapes. That will probably be more successful. But you never know.

  2. What a lovely souvenir from your trip. I hope the grape stick grafts well onto your neighbour's stock.

  3. Dear Lorrie, My neighbor is going to try real hard to make it happen. he can always fall back on trying one of my grapes, a grape he has always liked because of hits sweetness and early ripening,
