Thursday, November 3, 2022

It snowed

 It snowed during the night.

It surprised even the Canada Geese.

I wasn't ready  either.  My sun umbrella is still up.

More  snow coming from the mountains.



  1. Dear Gina - that is quite a shock to learn. Here it has been unusually mild for November. Don't go snow balling or sledging, but do look after yourself and keep cosy and warm.

  2. Dear Rosemary, I think that I will bring out my Flexible Flyer (sleigh) and use it to take up the garbage for the weekly pick up. It will also come in handy to pull it up the lane to help the snow plough find my house. In the meantime I'm cozy and warm with m-floor-heating and three big stacks of firewood.

  3. Dear Gina,
    It would be a surprise to wake up to snow so early in the season. It's beautiful, though. I wonder if it will stay or melt away in a day or two. Here we are in the midst of more rain from the Pacific. Lots of misty fog in the air. It's good to stay cozy indoors.

    1. Dear Lorrie, Most of our snow is staying put. In fact we need more, a lot more. Our farmers are happy when its time to plant and the snow has melted. But that is many months away.

  4. Oh my goodness, can't believe it arrived so early. In the 80's here still but hoping for cooler weather soon.
    Do be careful dear, no accidents. . . . . . and no skating on the pond YET!!!!
    Glad you're home safely and apparently had a wonderful trip XX

    1. Dear Mary, Ice skates are standing by. I would love to share some of your 80s temps. I would still have flowers to pick for the house,
      My trip was really special. It was a tour for women only. And it was for maximum of 12 travelers, organized by Susan van Allen. She specializes in tours of different regions in Italy.
