Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winter Pears

Winter Pears, the finest Pear of them all

Not all are perfect

But then there are the show stoppers.  Indescribably sweet and delicious

Pick them when they're still green

Let them ripen in a bowl, at room temperature

A ripe pear, a well aged hunk of cheese, nothing could be better

We can't eat them all, these are for sharing with friends and visitors

We left a few for you to pick ... at the very top of our tree


Monday, October 25, 2010

There is still time

Come join us

For an intensive 3 day ceramic tile painting workshop beginning Thursday, November 4, 2010, Ephraim, Utah.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our Trees, young and old

Meine Allee ist aufgewachsen

It wasn't so long ago when these 100 trees were little saplings which arrived in bundles of twentyfive

By the lake

The old Chinese Elm, a place for Summer picnics

New Summit Ash, for clothelines to stretch between

We designed our house to fit within the space of 2 old trees, not the other way around

Three old trees stood here.  One was hit by lightning, the other was blown over by the wind and the last tree died of a broken heart.  In their honor we planted three new trees.

All photos taken with a Kodak Easy Share DX7590

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a Tree.

            Joyce Kilmer


Saturday, October 23, 2010

I have only one Neighbor

But she is very nosy

Have a great weekend, my dear blogging Friends

Monday, October 18, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Happiness is coming home from an extended vacation and finding your Garden NOT FROZEN

I like my carrot juice straight ... straight from the Garden

You can tell how healthy your soil is by the way your carrots grow. These are perfect, so are the rest of the vegetables.

Delicate Nasturtiums still blooming

And Molly Rilestone Sweet Pea, always perfection.


Sunday, October 17, 2010


Paris, exciting and beautiful

Our home away from home in Paris;  A cozy and charming apartment on the corner of rue Constance and rue Lepic, 18th Arrondissement, Montmartre.

 A very special meeting with Frederic Almaviva, the charming and oh so talented owner of Atelier Almaviva

A visit to the Museum "Les Arts Dcoratifs" is a must

And so is a visit to a flea market while in Paris.  This one is located at the south end of Metro Line 13, Sundays only.

Versailles, all that glitters, is gold

We enjoyed meeting our friends, Steven and Christine, for our first visit to Versailles.  Immediately, Steven and Gene had to discuss something major, most likely the Origin of Man.

It was wonderful to travel to such exciting places such as Marrakech and Paris but it is so good to be back home. 

Happy weekend my dear blogging friends.


Monday, October 11, 2010


Colors, patterns, spices, visual overload, humanity, that is Morocco

One of many beautiful artifacts collected by Maryam for her "Peacock Pavilions"  Riad in Marrakech, Morocco

Peacock Pavilions, a boutique guesthouse, a  peaceful oasis, just outside of Marrakech

One of the Peacock Pavilions'  bedroom walls, stenciled by "Royal Design Studio"

The Medina
Take time to have a fabulous lunch at the "Hotel Restaurant French" You will find it at one of the corners of the Djemaa el Fna.

On the way to the High Atlas Mountains, on the outskirts of a small village, a market day was in full swing.

Put on your glad rags and have lunch at the La Mamounia

After a 3 year renovation, the legendary Hotel La Mamounia has reopened.  It was completely redesigned by Jaques Garcia.  We stayed at the Mamounia 25 years ago.  I liked it better then.  It had more charm.   So much marble this time and so dark. 

I kept falling off and on to the thick carpets.  I did like the six handsome young men, dressed in all white flowing robes, opening doors for me every time I approached.

Next stop Paris
