Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

May 2013 be your best year ever!
I'll be rooting for you!


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow, the fierce artificer

Only a short mile from our new house

sits the old house.
The house we lived in on weekends. 

Along the way the snow has covered a multitude of sins.

Maybe one day a new house will sit here.

Waiting for a family.

Friends of ours have restored this fine old barn.

Have danced many a Polka here.

 While on a visit to Mongolia, our friends shipped an authentic Yurt.  It was delivered complete with stove, fabrics, furnishings, fine embroideries and even hand made shoes.  It serves as an extra sleeping room.

Speaking of shoes, this is how I get around in the deep snow.

I remember my first pair, purchased in Italy more than 40 years ago.  There have been many more since, every color, every style. 

The old chicken coop has become a guest cottage.

And the main house built of fine local stone.


For many years we lived next door.  Mr. G made this small opening in the gate for me with the comment that if ever I could not fit through it, he would divorce me.  No worries, we built a new house.

With a wider gate.

To our new house.
The Snow-Storm
Ralph Waldo Emerson

...Come see the north wind’s masonry.       
Out of an unseen quarry evermore
Furnished with tile, the fierce artificer
Curves his white bastions with projected roof
Round every windward stake, or tree, or door.
Speeding, the myriad-handed, his wild work       
So fanciful, so savage, naught cares he
For number or proportion. Mockingly,
On coop or kennel he hangs Parian wreaths;
A swan-like form invests the hidden thorn;
Fills up the farmer’s lane from wall to wall,

 Have a great weekend my dear
Blogging Friends.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Fish will spoil

Family is coming for Dinner.

The table is set. Champagne is on ice. 
They called from the Big City.  We decided that it was best that they not drive.

And here is why.

We made another date....the fish will spoil.

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I dont' know what possessed me

My life changed on July 28, 2009

I started to blog.  But Why?  I hardly knew what a blog was.
I hardly ever said anything to anybody. 

500 blog posts later.
 Yes, 500 today, on Christmas Day 2012,
Now, I know why.
Have a most joyous
Christmas Day my dear
Blogging Friends.

Monday, December 24, 2012

I'm nothing

Without you.

I'm Nothing.

 You've made me SOMEBODY


Merry Christmas and may all your wishes come true.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Beethoven in Spanish

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Beethoven Spanish Style  

 May your days be merry and bright.

Have a wonderful weekend my dear
Blogging Friends.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I've tasted it

It's divine.
Bavarian Cream.

Friends are coming for Dinner.
For Dessert, Bavarian Cream with Raspberries and whipped cream laced with 22 carat Danziger Goldwasser Liqueur.
Mix 1 cup sugar with 1 quart raspberries. Let stand for 30 minutes
Soak 2 tsp gelatin in 3 TB of water, dissolve in 3 TB boiling water, stir this into berries
when cooled fold in 2 cups whipping cream laced with Liqueur.
Pour into mold or individual serving glasses. Chill for at least 6 hours. Serve with fresh blueberries or additional raspberries.
Have a wonderful week my dear
Blogging Friends.

Monday, December 17, 2012

It is their little faces

That break our hearts.
Rest in Peace dear sweet ones. 
Families have suffered a terrible loss.
Our prayers are with you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Doesn't have to be

Orchids don't have to be white.
They can be red or yellow or purple.

Serving Platters don't have to be plain.
I can add your initials.

Or I can add your family crest. 

It will make you feel special.

Or a simple garland.

  With just a touch of Gold

Christmas decorations don't have to be new.

They have more meaning when they've been around a while.

Candles don't have to be white.

A little gold leaf adds just the right touch.

Or a few pressed flowers from your garden.

Reminds you of when everything was nice and green outside.

Ribbons and wrapping paper doesn't have  to be store bought.

A few stamps and a bit of paint will do.

And neither do you have to buy your Christmas Cards.

You can print your own. 

Maybe your style is more simple.

You're the Boss.

But whatever you do.   

Make it your own.

Happy creating my dear
Blogging Friends.



Sunday, December 9, 2012


Getting Ready

getting ready for Christmas on the inside.

Getting ready to head south on the outside.

What a difference a day makes.
First snow and our pond is freezing over.
The geese knew it.

Happy 2nd Advent Sunday
my dear
Blogging Friends.
Thank you for stopping by.  I appreciate your loyalty.
Have a great Sunday,


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Today is the First Advent

Advent Sunday is the fourth Sunday BEFORE Christmas Day. 
This year it falls on December the second, today. 

How excited we were.
Running up four flights of stairs to wake up the first Räuchermann (incense smoker).
Impatiently waiting for grown ups to catch up.

German ebay

 Gently taking him out of his box, gently carrying him down to the Gute Stube (the best room of the house).  Only good little girls and good little boys are allowed to carry him. 
Placing  him on the fireplace mantle where he fills the air with exotic incense. And where soon he will be joined by three more Räuchermännchen, the next three Sundays.
Christmas Season had officially begun.

German ebay

Cone incense is placed inside and lit.

German ebay

We were spellbound, waiting for the smoke to come out of their mouths.

The tradition is observed in many parts of Germany and other central European countries. But nowhere more celebrated than in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) central Europe near the Saxony/Bohemia border. 
Ore Mountain Folk Art, in the form of Smoking Figures (Räuchermännchen), Christmas Pyramids, Nutcrackers and many other colorful and hand carved ornaments are known the world over.

Happy First Advent to you, my dear
Blogging Friends.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Decadent, melt in your mouth

Too good to be true
My Marzipan Cookies.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Gather the following ingredients and

Cream together:
   2 sticks of  UNSALTED BUTTER,
   2/3 C. Sugar
   Pinch of salt
Beat in:
   1 Egg
Combine and add:
   1 tsp. Vanilla
   2 and 1/2 cups sifted Flour
   1 TB fresh lemon juice
   1 TB grated orange rind.
Mix well until ingredients are well blended. Chill dough for 3-4 hours.
Roll out and cut round cookie shapes, about 3 inches in diameter. Stack 2 cookies, cutting out center hole in the  top cookie.  Fill center with Marzipan paste or home made preserves.

Bake (350) until lightly browned on edges, about 8 to 10 minutes.

I can't resist them, maybe you can.
Happy baking my dear
Blogging Friends.