Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Brushstroked and Waterlogued

What Trickery!

The newest I Pad application called "Brushstroke"

From this

to this. (Brushstroke)

From this to 

To this. (Brushstroke)

From "Brushstroke"


Another App called "Waterlogue"

does not work as well for this subject. (Waterlogue)

But works well for flowers and gardens and Architecture.

As in this photo showing flowers blooming in my greenhouse. 

Both Applications from the App Store, under $3 each.

Enough of this foolery...I must get back to my project, 

Have fun my dear friends and have a great week. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    all work and no play? You are so wise to take a break from painting tiles for a big project, to play a little with new toys.On top of that, how lovely of you to share your discovery with us. Of course, I do prefer the real thing...............I am just so spoiled by your way of painting.
    Stay warm, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, You are right...one has to take a break now and then. I've been very good about sticking with my project. First shipment goes out today.

  2. My french-teacher daughter has some cards for sale in her french studio that utilize a technologie like the waterlogue app. Interesting for those of us that aren't truely artists! Although, like Sieglinde, above, I enjoy looking, but I prefer to have the "real thing" for a purchase and to admire more frequently. I really like the way you have displayed your tiles on your staircase, Gina!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, I think that this application works well for cards. For a long time I have been painting my cards, one at a time. Using this method makes cards less expensive and I think that most people would like them just as well. After all, Nature does a pretty good job of displaying itself.

  3. Your Brushstroke works very well with flowers. That first example reminds me of the paintings by Carl Larsson. I have a similar filter in my PhotoShop program, and have found that using it in a way that essentially breaks down the images gives me a greater understanding of what palette to use in my "real" paintings. It's a great tool, as well as a lot of fun.

    1. Hello Mark, Carl Larsson did like geraniums didn't he. I recall seeing them in windowsills of his charming country house in Norway. Playing with these applications is actually a lot of fun and watching it develop does separate the different layers of color.
      I can't wait to see how you are progressing with your new project.

  4. Yes, I already have this application on my ipad and I've shown a flower photo- waterlogued like yours in a previous post. It works well with the flowers, you are right..your geraniums are gorgeous Gina!

    1. Hello Olympia, Now you have to try "Brushstoke".. It is very unpredictable and that is what makes it so interesting. I love the rose image you watermarked...very beautiful.

  5. Gina, from what I have seen of these apps here and elsewhere, the results are rather impressive.

    However, there is no way that I will give up my watercolor paint, sable brushes, and wonderful papers upon which to paint.


    1. Dear Frances, No, that would not do. These apps do not compare to original art, especially when they are painted by a fine artist such as yourself.

  6. Gina dear, glad you took a little break and had fun with your lovely flowers. Love the last one of the geraniums in the greenhouse treated to the Waterlogue app.
    Hope the tiles are coming along well, can't wait to see them ALL!!!!

    Sending hugs - missing you.

    1. Dear Mary, It is still very cold here but my Geraniums in my unheated greenhouse are exploding with color. Some are quite old, yet they bloom and survive from year to year.
      My project is coming along well, in fact, the first shipment goes out today. Thank you for your sweet comment. ox, Gina

  7. Super photos Gina.. the different apps showing your different photos.
    Your flowers look so healthy and happy. soon it will be time to put them outside.
    happy week Gina.

  8. Dear Val, I can tell by your recent posts that Spring has already come to your garden. It will be a few more weeks before I can expect Spring flowers. My greenhouse will keep me happy until then. Thank you for stopping by. It is so appreciated. ox, Gina
