Thursday, June 26, 2014

Here's the Deal

How would you like to come and help me weed my flower bed?  

No not this one.  This is last years flower bed.

It's this one I need help with.
 You will have to bring your own hoe.  This one was given to me by a very special friend...more than 30 years ago. 

The handle was originally much longer, every time it breaks, the handle gets shorter.

Now, here's the deal

You will be wined and dined. You get to stay in your very own house. 

Fresh Eggs from our chickens for Breakfast and Champagne in the afternoon.  

But first 

 I have to show you what flower seedlings look like.   I won't bother showing you the weeds

1) Asters from Lake Maggiore
2) Cosmos,  3) Zinnias,  4) Nasturtiums,
5) Phacelia,  6, Cherry Tomato.  7) Dill
8) Hollyhock.

The problem is; you have to find them among the weeds.

But your rewards will be manifold.

I will send you pictures in August.

Have a wonderful remainder of the week my dear friends. 



  1. What an absolutely gorgeous garden you had last year. I would love to come help and have you teach me how to achieve that outcome!

    1. Hello Julie, How nice of you to come for a visit and leave such a nice comment. I would be delighted to teach you how to grow an Annual flower garden.

  2. Dear Gina - how splendid it will all look very soon - here is the deal, I will weed yours if you will weed mine - it's a fair swap.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Done. What a fabulous time I will have admiring your very special garden. ox, Gina

  3. Very beautiful flower garden. Soon the flowers with peek through.
    Blessings, Catherine

    1. Hello Catherine and thank you for your visit. In this climate I won't see much until late July. But it is worth it.

  4. Beautiful all of your great photos!

  5. Such a grand offer! If only I haven't been 8 weeks behind in my own chores due to my broken right wrist and surgery. Ask for help next year and assuming no other accidents (!) I will jump at the opportunity!!! I'm sure you have plenty of weeding so there would be plenty of time to enjoy your hospitality...

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Dear Mary, I am so sorry about your surgery and broken wrist. One day you will come this way. In the meantime take good care of yourself.

  6. Enchanting and sweet deal, Gina.....:) How beautiful the flower combinations are....sublime :)


    1. Dear Elvira, My favorite flower in the group is always the blue Aster. Seeds I gathered from your country, Lake Maggiore, Italy, more than forty years ago.

  7. Will be packing my bag.. bringing my own little spade.. That is of course, when I have finished weeding my front garden.
    I cannot believe how the weeds have grown within the last 2 months.
    A wonderful offer Gina.
    How beautiful your flowers look Gina.
    Thank you for showing the flowers. I am hopeless at names.. but , I know the difference between a flower and a weed. );-
    Happy days gardening.. and a good weekend.
    val xx

    1. Dear Val, You have had quite a bit of rain so I am not surprised that you have a lot of work to do in your garden. I would love to know what kind of flowers you grow in your area of Portugal. I know that you grow fabulous roses. Wish I could grow them so abundantly...our winters are much too cold.

  8. Dear Gina,

    If I lived within driving distance, I'd take you up on that deal. But of course if I lived within driving distance, I'd have already visited!

    1. Dear Mark, That goes without saying. Of course we would have to bring out the paints as well. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. What a deal, what a deal, but I only just got my first post published in weeks, do stop by, health issues not resolved, but oh the beauty and the bounty of the harvest of your work. that is most glorious. I have such a small spot of a garden and it gets so little sunlight, but I am thinking of reworking it in the Autumn and next Spring. It has had 30 years to look as it does and it is not so pretty any longer. Hugs to you~

    1. Dear Mary, Sometimes it takes a total make-over to the corner of your garden. It will lift your spirits. Why not hire a little help. Just supplementing your soil will make a big difference and someone can do that for you. Hope you feel better soon. .

  10. Dear Gina,

    I hope it's alright that I've made myself quite comfortable touring around your beautiful property, where your lovely home, nestled among all your pretty potted petals, accents the Utah landscape! I managed to 'walk' over to the new construction, reclaimed from those 200 year old beams, and noticed, along the way, two homonyms hurrying me over toward your wonderful rows of outside, and then your elegant rose potpourri inside! Alas, your mosaics stopped me in my tracks, and so here I am, to indulge in that glass of champagne! Cheers to you, may your flowers bloom as beautifully this summer as they did last!


    1. Dear Poppy, Your comment has made my day (actually days). I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful blog. We are kindred spirits in that we both love flowers and anything having to do with gardening. Champagne is always on ice for you in this part of the world.

  11. Dear Gina,
    There will be weeds where I am going shortly, but instead of Champagne Sekt will flow freely at the gatherings. However, one day soon I hope to sit with you, surrounded by all the glorious colors you have gathered around you. How lovely that will be...............
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Soon you will be with friends and family across the big water. I can't imagine that there will be any weeds left in your pretty garden. I can see many chilled glasses of Sekt being enjoyed by all.
      Your home, on this side of the big pond, is not so far from us. We will make it happen. ox, Gina

  12. Dear Gina,

    Tempting offer, very tempting indeed. Sigh, I have to work though. I just now paused to daydream if I could manage a quick trip. Alas, not this year. Back to reality. Thanks for the lovely photos. I do enjoy a stroll through your garden in the virtual sense.

    1. Hello Darlene, It's the thought that counts. We have taken care of most of the weeds. Yes, there will always be more weeds but then, the edible stuff will, sooner or later, take over.

  13. Dearest Gina, I so want to do this! What a delight it would be to visit you! But, I've just returned from two months in Europe and my own garden is so full of weeds I forgot what it should look like. You're offer is such a dream. When I get my garden under control, I'll check back to see what you need. Just coming to see you would be such a treat! sending love, G

    1. My dear Georgianna, Welcome home. You have been travelling a lot. I'm not surprised that your beautiful garden has been neglected a little. But you have so much to show and share. Your latest post featuring roses and that lovely chateau is a prize winner.
      What a wonderful surprise it will be if ever you come this direction. ox, Gina
