Monday, June 30, 2014

Love at first sight

You haven't lived until you have hugged a goose!

Recently, Lisa had to say goodbye to many of her friends.  

"All of my geese are rescues. My oldest rescue is 13.   I revived him in my hands after his mother abandoned him". 

Lisa was told that her geese had to be separated and relocated from a county park they had been allowed to call home for many years.  

"It is hard for geese to be separated from their family of geese they know and rely upon for their survival".

It was difficult to find good homes for all of her charges. 

It was very traumatic, for Lisa and her geese. 

"Geese communicate with each other about who to trust.  I am fortunate to have found homes where I can visit them".  

All photographs by Lisa's Sister,  Chris Deneris

That is how Clyde and Lola joined our household.    

Have a lovely week my dear friends.  It is always so nice to visit with you.  



  1. Dear Gina,

    From the little I know about geese, I do know that bonding is very important to their well-being, so I can imagine how traumatic (and I would even say cruel) the whole process was to all involved. But I know that Clyde and Lola will be happy with you. And now there are more friends for Hansel!

    1. Dear Mark, Hansel is the winner in this unfortunate dilemma. For Lola and Clyde the new location was made easier because they were preoccupied with making friends with Hansel. All went well and the three are never far from each other.

  2. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une publication exceptionnelle, magnifique... et tellement émouvante. Merci de partager avec nous ces merveilleuses photos.

    Gros bisous ☼

    1. Bonjour chere amie Martinealison., thank you so much for your visit and always leaving so many nice compliments. Wishing you a wonderful and sunny day in France. .

  3. Ohh..Lisa's story touches me deeply...I love her relationship with geeses; so wonderful; I had 14 geeses myself; had twice 6 little ones & let them freely live around the house.... . So I truly do understand how fabulous these animals are, their live in the group.... . Wishing all the best for Lisa & hope truly she will do fine :)

    Wonderful photos & story ...

    ciaociao Gina

    1. Dear Elvira, You know so well how to be close to animals.You have had the great pleasure of watching your goslings being born along with the other young animals you have raised, your pig/boar comes to mind.
      Lisa has truly bonded with her geese and it was difficult to have to part with them. Lisa came for a visit a week ago and she could see that Lola and Clyde had adapted well to their new surroundings. They almost pretended not to know her, which made her smile, because she knew that they were all right. .

  4. It is lovely that you were able to give Clyde and Lola a home Gina. Did they settle with you easily, and did the fact that they had each other help the process? Lovely photos of Lisa - she looks as if she has a very attractive personality.

    1. Dear Rosemary, You are right. Lisa is a very special person. Not only is she a great friend to her animals but she also makes friends easily with people. She has spent many years taking care of geese and she knows them well and they, in turn, trust her, which is very apparent in these photographs. The geese actually lean towards her when she picks them up.

  5. Dear Gina,
    it is noble to rescue animals and to make room for creatures big and small. The geese look so special in Lisa's arms and your pond seems like the perfect home for Clyde and Lola.
    We love your tile with the colorful fish in the center, which arrived yesterday, and will treasure it. You have such charming ideas for a design.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Lisa has dedicated many years to these geese. She is an especially caring person and the geese recognized it right away. Because they all had to be gathered and transported, Lisa would first hold them and not move them into the crate until they had calmed down.
      I'm delighted that you like the tile. It was painted especially for you.

  6. How fortunate that they all found new homes. I helped get a pair reunited once and the story is somewhere on this blog. What beautiful images that struck my hearts chord this posting~

    1. Hello Mary, I need to find the post with your goose story. Geese are so special. They each have a unique personality. Thank you for your lovely compliment. It is so appreciated.

    2. Hi is the link to the story!
      Hugs Mary

    3. Hello Mary, thank you for sending me your goose story. It is so like the experience we have had with our geese. It is always so traumatic (for the geese and the owners) when they are separated from their mate. Your story has a good ending and it is because you got involved and made it happen.

  7. Dear Gina, You are an angel. How wonderful, that you gave Clyde and Lola a new home.. and helped your friend Lisa.
    I have never held a goose.
    In South Africa.. My daughter's piano teacher had a couple- One day, for some reason . It attacked me. I fell on my back.. it jumped on my tummy and was hissing at me. It sure didnt like me there in its own space. It never worried my daughter.
    Some people keep them as guards.. They are very protective.
    These photos of the geese in Lisa's arms are so beautiful. She must be very happy.
    xxx val

    1. Dear Val, Oh, what a story. That experience will make you change your mind about geese. A goose has hissed at me at times and at our dogs but never such an experience as yours. Our geese do sound the alarm, especially during the night, when marauders come to our pond. That in turn wakes up our dogs and then everybody is up. .

  8. Oh I am so sad for Lisa and for the geese. How nice for you to have two more on your property. I hope you are able to bond with them as Lisa did.

  9. Dear Lynne, so nice of you to stop by. Lisa has a very special spot in her heart for Geese. She has been their very special friend for many years. Her geese appear to be very happy on our pond. It didn't take long for them to feel at home. They get along well with all the other creatures who have made the pond their permanent residence and we are very happy to have them.
