Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Redeeming myself.

My last post was about a WORM.

I would like to leave you with a more appetizing scene. 

See you soon. 

Stay well, 


Monday, September 22, 2014

This is a very short story.

It has to be a very short story because it is a story about a


There, he is trying to hide. 

He is the tiny monster that eats my Salpiglossis.

He waits until they are in their full glory and then he eats their roots...
and I can never catch him.  

He does the same to my pansies.  They are perfect one day and then the next day they are dead. 

And I don't even know the little beast's name.  DO YOU? 

Need to see another picture?

He is a tiny worm (see the acorn on the left).  When disturbed he turns into a tiny ball.  

I really have better things to do than take pictures of worms.  

I have to pack my suitcase for Gay Paree.

Au Revoir

my dear friends.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

He will never make it!

This little upstart of a Lakota squash.

There he is, only 2 days old.

Little further up on the stalk is a blossom wilting and the newborn, one day old squash. 

There are only a few blossoms in my Squash Patch.  All of the energy of the plant is going into making great big and beautiful Lakota Squash.

This fellow is one of the smallest. 

Those out in the patch are way too big.  I couldn't carry even one into the house.  

 Cucumbers "got away from us".  These are too big to eat and so they will go to the pig farmer down the road.  

My Asters showing off. 

As you might recall, I collected these aster seeds more than forty years ago.  

The Ancestors of my asters were growing through a fence by Lake Maggiore,  Italy.    

Little worms were eating my Salpiglossis, a flower I must have in my garden. 
 After removing all of the old soil, so far, the little beasts have not shown up this year...but they will, they always do. 

The "sky blue"  petunias have the most intoxicating scent.

It is easy gardening when your flowerbeds meet you half way. 

They go all the way around three sides of our house.  

"Madame Butterfly" snapdragons add a burst of color. 

Cosmos are taller than I am (which is not saying much). 

And I'm off to Paris.  

Thank you for reading me and thank you also for sharing with me your time and your creativity. 


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Peaches and pears are ripe

Must bottle a few for cold winter months. 

If you can find the smaller, rosy cheeked, cling free peaches, those are the peaches you will want to can.   

A recipe of light syrup (6 cups of sugar to 8 cups of water) is perfect for peaches.  Not too sweet so you can still taste the delicate flavor of an Early Alberta Peach. 

Ready to be put away.

Must leave a few to eat au natural.

Have a great remainder of the week my dear friends, 


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Book has arrived

A book featuring my hand painted Ceramics.

Creating this book was a lot of fun.

It might inspire.


Book is available here