Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Maestro Romano Ranieri

The great Maestro Romano Ranieri will be laid to rest today at the Church of Pontenuovo di Deruta, Umbria, Italy.  

Romano Ranieri

"He prefers not to be exalted."

"Proudly, he is the artistic director at the Romano Ranieri School of Ceramic Art in Deruta.
Romano Ranieri is one of our most appreciated and loved artists... producing the most beautiful ceramics with superior characteristics."


Vividly, I remember my first day painting at the Scuola d' Arte Ceramica in Deruta, Italy
I painted the tile you see above on my second day of instructions

This is "my" desk at the Scuola

This tile was my first assignment.  After a few hours of painting, Professor Nicola Boccini decided that I could move on to a more difficult pattern.  This is the way the school tests your level of expertise. 

I've painted at this fantastic school several times.  Students walk in and out all day.  They are encouraged to paint when they can.  Always, the most revered Maestro, Romano Ranieri, is painting while keeping an eye on every student.  He graciously offers his help whenever needed. 

The Maestro gave me this beautiful book which contains many of his important works. 

Forever I will cherish the lovely message he wrote. 

Maestro Romano Ranieri, Deruta, Italy

Maestro Romano Ranieri

Maestro Romano Ranieri

Maestro Romano Ranieri

Maestro Romano Ranieri

Maestro Romano Ranieri

Maestro Romano Ranieri

All of the above Maestro Romano Ranieri

Thank You Maestro Ranieri 


Monday, January 26, 2015

This does not look like winter to me.

Even the Canadian Geese are confused 

Most of them have left to wherever Canadian Geese go in the winter.  
Only a small flock has decided to stay.  

It's supposed to look more like this by now. 

I'll pretend that last year's daisies are this year's snow.

In addition to our 3 domestic (white) Geese, there is, for the first time ever, an impostor. 

He thinks that he is a goose, and maybe he is.

Have you spotted him?  

Now you can see him. 
I wonder what kind of goose he is. 
Do you know? 

Have a great week my dear friends. 


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter Blues

Thank goodness for my simple little greenhouse

It helps me get over the winter blues.

My greenhouse is not heated so it doesn't hold many varieties. 

 My geraniums love it.  

Some of my geraniums are more than 20 years old and I have taken many cuttings from favorites. 

Pasha sleeps in the greenhouse.  
Often, in January and February we turn on a little space heater for him.  

A trip to the florist always brightens the day. 

My blogging friend Rosemary will laugh at me.  
Rosemary has Hellebore blooming in her January garden. 

I dug into the frozen ground to transplant one for the house.  
It will grow and bloom long before those which are growing in my garden. 

But soon, very soon, we will sail to balmier climates where we will enjoy the warm ocean breezes.  


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A couple of weeks ago

I scrubbed my forty-year-old plates from Italy until they looked like new again. 

Then, I decided to paint a few new plates. 

And here they are. Brand spanking new. 

Only this group didn't have to come across the big pond.  

I also decided to add a few bowls to the mix.  

All look very similar to my original Italian plates which I purchased more than forty years ago. 

That is because I paint in the 600-year-old Italian Maiolica tradition using Italian pigments and Italian glazes.

The above set of 16 pieces is available in my Etsy shop.

Have a super weekend, 


For Rosemary and Mark extra pictures of the plate rack 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

January Thaw

Without fail,

every Winter we have the January Thaw.

We have lowered the pond by several feet. 

It's safer when having to rescue whatever or whoever falls through the ice.  

Take care. 


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Are you staying warm?

They're warm.

They're wearing expensive fur coats. 

I'm leaving mine in the closet.
We are heading South of the Border, and soon. 

Have a great weekend my dear friends. 
