Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Let's say that your beautiful photograph has a few flaws

Let PicMonkey's cloning tool make it perfect.

See the spider webs on the branches?  

Sign up with PicMonkey, the super friendly editing program.

Click on "Edit". 
Select photograph. 
Click on "Touch up" 3rd from top. 
Go all the way to bottom.
click on Clone and follow 2 step instructions. 

It's scary how easy it is.  

Think of the possibilities. 

I can make everybody beautiful. 

My Pasha needs no improvement. 

Have a great week my dear Friends,


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome Spring

   It must be Spring. 


It's about time.  

Apple Blossoms are getting ready. 

Last of the Snowdrops nodding their heads.

Tulips are about to show their faces. 

Pansies follow me everywhere. 

The star for now is the Daffodil. 

Happy Spring to you my dear Friends. 


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Very promising

What's Summer without a Beet Salad? 
(partial repost August 1, 2014)

Instead of round beets grow cylindrical beets next year.  

They cook evenly and slice evenly and taste terrific. 

Bake them or boil them, but don't peel them. 
(Baking intensifies their flavor)

Also, leave the tops and roots intact, 
that way they won't bleed. 

When al dente let cool. While still warm twist beets in both directions.  Skin will come off in one piece.  

Season with coarse salt, toss in small amount of Balsamic vinegar
Finely chop medium sized onion and add to salad.

Have a lovely weekend my dear friends. 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Calling on my drafting skills.

learned so many years ago

at the Topographic Drafting School in Erfurt, Germany. 

Who doesn't like blue and white sprinkled with a little yellow and orange? 

What makes this mural so special, besides the pretty colors, is that the tiles can be arranged in such a way that it will fit a square space measuring 30 x 30 inches.


it can also be installed to fit a rectangular space and measure 36 inches wide by 24 inches tall.

How clever is that?  

All available in my Etsy Shop. 

Have a great remainder of the week. 

Thank you so very much for stopping by.  It is always so appreciated, 


Saturday, March 7, 2015

I have a question.

It concerns one of my favorite flowers.

The Hellebore shown here with daffodils.

When my garden has nothing to offer and everything looks neglected and sad,

I can count on Hellebore to show their fascinating faces.  
Then they bloom for months and love to be paired with other flowers.

Here is the question;
I have read that one must remove last year's leaves by the end of Fall to make room for new growth in the Spring. 

See the new flower buds in the middle?  They will bloom in a few days.  

I have always left the old leaves on the plant so that they would help protect the new growth from the below freezing temperatures. 

I think that it also protects the little seedlings which have volunteered from the falling seed pods.  

Every morning they are laying down, frozen solid, and by noon they have recovered.  

Do you grow Hellebore?

Do you remove all of the old leaves in the Fall so that there will be room for new growth in the Spring, as was recommended by a famous garden expert.  

I would love to know. 

Have a great weekend my dear friends, 
