Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Let's say that your beautiful photograph has a few flaws

Let PicMonkey's cloning tool make it perfect.

See the spider webs on the branches?  

Sign up with PicMonkey, the super friendly editing program.

Click on "Edit". 
Select photograph. 
Click on "Touch up" 3rd from top. 
Go all the way to bottom.
click on Clone and follow 2 step instructions. 

It's scary how easy it is.  

Think of the possibilities. 

I can make everybody beautiful. 

My Pasha needs no improvement. 

Have a great week my dear Friends,



  1. Gina you're so right here. . . . . . . Clone has become a best friend for me too, ha ha! I do use it often to take out things like overhead wires and bits and pieces that make photos messing looking. I probably have some cobwebs in the corners of my rooms too - better check as I may need to 'clone them out' before posting pics! PicMonkey is such a great editing program - I've had the Royale membership since they first started and couldn't be without it - it's all I use along with the rather pedestrian editing program on my Mac.

    Is that a nest? If so, who made it? It's awesome. I love the egg also - know you probably created that beauty yourself!
    Oh your Pasha is so perfect with those beautiful blue eyes and pretty fur that matches your upholstery by the looks of it!

    Yes, enjoy the week - we are off to DC on Friday and it looks somewhat chilly in the forecast. Never mind, I'll take it because I love that city where I lived many years ago, and a visit is always a lot of fun no matter the weather.

    Warm hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, Do you remember when PicMonkey was Picnic? I was devastated when they sold it to Google who then discontinued it.

      What you see in the photograph is a wasp nest. It fell out of somewhere around our house and the wind blew it to me.

      The goose egg was rolled in a water bath that had been spiked with 3 colors of nail polish.

      I am so envious. You are going to DC, a city I love but have only seen once. Have a wonderful time.

  2. Dear Gina,

    Thanks so much for sharing this. Now I won't need to get my facelift and body tuck after all; I'll just retouch the photgraphs!

    1. Good plan Mark. Do you use an editing program? And if so, which program do you like ? I don't mean the one you use for your face and body.

    2. Hi again — I work in the Adobe program called PhotoShop, which has many tools within it. Virtually every photograph that I publish on my blog has been color corrected or otherwise subtlely enhanced in some way.

    3. I have not used PhotoShop but I know that it is a fine editing program. I like what you say about your photographs being "subtlety enhanced". Even only cropping a photo makes a big difference.

    4. I have not used PhotoShop but I know that it is a fine editing program. I like what you say about your photographs being "subtlety enhanced". Even only cropping a photo makes a big difference.

  3. Your Pasha is one gorgeous kitty!

    1. Hello Marigene, And to think that someone dripped him off He is a charming little fellow with the most generous spirit.

  4. I do agree that Pasha is perfection. Knowing all the photo editing tricks that the professionals use has actually made me much less likely to look at glossy magazines any more. Oh...let me edit myself. I might still glance at them on the Barnes & Noble newsstands, but buying these collections of fantasies is a more difficult choice.


    1. Dear Frances, I hadn't thought of it in that way...have always accepted the fact that those glossy magazines didn't belong in the real world. That isn't true when I see gorgeous photos of flowers. I never get enough of them.

  5. Bonjour,

    Pacha est un très joli matou... Je lui fais plein de caresses.

    Gros bisous ❀ ✺ ❀

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, Pasha is a happy and sweet little fellow. He had to be rescued from a very tall tree before we could take him home. ox, Gina

  6. I think I first learned about Picmonkey from you. I did not know about the cloning though...thanks!

    1. Hi Theresa, It's a good trick to have in your arsenal. I have dumped a few photographs because I didn't see the problem beforehand.

  7. Dear Gina, your picture is gorgeous - even before you changed it and little Pasha - OMG - makes me realize, how much i want to get a cat again! Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Thank you Martina. We didn't have a cat for a while because our Gentleman Cat, Stanley, had passed on. It was lonely without him even though we have plenty of other animals. Pasha was given to us and he may look charming and sweet, and that he is, however, he is a mighty hunter.

  9. I have used PicMonkey for making new images of old prints scanned look antique and I love it, but do not use for regular editing of my shared images. I do enjoy it though. No, Pasha is beautiful already~

    1. Hello Mary, That is very interesting. You didn't say which program you use for your regular editing purposes. I would love to know.
