Thursday, April 2, 2015


We had to do it.

The Firemen came and burned the Cattails and wild underbrush. 

It burned into the night. 

They spared my Daffodils.

The ducks and geese looked on from a safe distance.

The wind shifted just in time.

They have made it through the fire but will have to toughen it out tonight. Eighteen degrees Fahrenheit is predicted for tonight. 

See the heavy underbrush? 

All gone.

By the end of May it will be lush and green again. 

Are you getting ready for Easter?

I have a friend who makes the finest, yes the finest chocolates.  

I have placed my order.  

Have a great remainder of the week. 



  1. Gina, the fire in the pond actually looks rather scary in a primitive fire-ish sort of way. However, the photographs with the amazing reflections on the still pond water are so tranquil, I am calm again.

    We are just now getting a glimmer of warmer weather. I'm hoping that Easter Sunday will be truly mild to make that Fifth Avenue Easter Parade much more enjoyable.


    1. Dear Frances, Hope we get to see some pictures of the Easter Parade. Are you going to wear a new hat?

  2. Dear Gina,
    Every season brings its challenges and nature must be tamed and cultivated where it meets our doorstep. I do not want to tell you that the
    temperature here reached already 85 F, which is simply too high. I hope very much that your gorgeous Daffodils will survive the cold night
    and that milder days are on the way.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I knew that his would happen. We had many weeks of warmer than normal temperatures. The fruit trees came out early. We are now having winter temperatures again. That means there will be no fruit for us.
      It's an old story that has repeated itself for several years now. I hope that someone, somewhere is having a "normal" growing season.
      There is one glimmer of hope, Daffodils are tough.

  3. Like your area Gina, we too were dealt a bad hand late winter/early spring, and, although it's been beautiful this week, we may get freezing temps. overnight for Easter. Bless my neighbor - she covered all my pots of tulips with a sheet one night whilst we were in D.C. and the temps. dropped drastically - so they still look beautiful and are standing tall and strong! I was planning to buy new Boston ferns for my hanging baskets on the front porch today - for Easter - however will wait another week. Our last frost date is April 4 - looks like that's spot on this year.
    Love the pondscapes even after the burning - how amazing they can do that without permanent damage. Glad the ducks and geese were safe!

    Enjoy Easter - eat some really good chocolate, it's the only kind. Hopefully it will warm up some and your daffodils, as you say, are tough and will bounce back - mine did!
    Easter blessings to you both - Mary X

    P.S. I see a few of my hollyhocks pushing up, yippee!

    1. Dear Mary, I have never seen my Daffodils looking this sad. Fifteen degrees did them in. Of course, the fruit trees and my beautiful Lilacs are also gone.
      I am so pleased that my seeds have germinated in your garden. If you give them plenty of water they might even bloom the first year. Your climate is more moderate than ours. Here they are true bi-annuals. Once you get them going you should have new seedlings come up every year.
      The chocolates are divine. I couldn't wait til Easter.
      Wishing you and yours a very Happy East Sunday.

  4. The last photograph really does show the need thinning. Here in Florida, I had a water view from my house and once could even see dolphin from inside the house. Then the city (or maybe it was the county) planted mangroves which grew to obscure the view. It's against the law to cut mangroves because the growth supports the entire aquatic food chain. So on one hand I'm sorry to lose the view, and on the other hand I'm glad that the water around me is healthier. In any event, I can walk one block and see Tampa Bay.

    I hope you and Gene have a happy Easter — enjoy those chocolates!

    1. Dear Mark, Your latest post is one of your very best. I have always admired Faberge Eggs.
      In the past we have taken care of our growth around the pond. Never wanting to do major changes, mostly to protect our wildlife. This year we needed help from the Fire Department. to make sure that we didn't set the house and surrounding fields on fire.
      The department had new trainees who were delighted to have the opportunity. The very next day ducks and geese were back on the pond. Soon the rest of the vegetation will come back.
      We don't have mangrove in our area. How interesting that it supports the entire aquatic food chain. No wonder it's protected.

      Wish I could share my chocolates with you. Have a wonderful Easter Holiday.

  5. WOW! Beautiful images. Lovely reflections. Have a great week.

    1. Wishing you a wonderful week as well. Thank you for stopping by Margaret. Your visit is so appreciated.
