Sunday, July 17, 2016

It's Sunday


Live each day to the fullest.

You deserve it.



  1. Gina, during the past days, it seems as if each day has brought some sort of horrible event that has hurt many innocent people. Yes, it is good to count our blessings and enjoy each day we are given. I've been checking in with friends here and abroad who have family or friends in recently attacked areas.

    I just wish that the human race would realize that we really, truly could share our beautiful planet together. And take better care of our dear Earth as well.

    It is a joy to connect with you. xo

    1. Dear Frances, Your message is profound. Why can't we all get along and share this beautiful planet? Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They could not be expressed more beautifully.

  2. Dear Gina,
    How can the heart not be full when looking at this color presentation? The poppies are gorgeous and so is the table.I am so thrilled that I can come and visit here and enjoy your artful work and play.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, One day you will just have to come for a visit. Poppies are such delicate and silky looking flowers, yet they are one of the longest lasting cut flowers.

  3. Your beautiful flowers are lifting me up in the days of nonstop sad news from around the world dear Gina - thank you so much.

    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary, I don't know what I would do without my garden and especially my flowers. A morning stroll, with a cup of coffee, is all I need to lift my spirits. I know that you feel the same...your flower garden is always full of lovely flowers.

  4. Hello dear Gina.
    Such a lovely sweet post.. We do indeed all deserve to be happy.. :: count our blessings for the goodness that our dear lord gives us each day to enjoy.
    So much angst in the world.. so much discontentment. . If only .. If only..
    your flowers are inspiring.. your garden beautiful.
    Always such a pleasure to pass by and see you.
    Enjoy your week.
    Love Val xxxxx

  5. Dear Val, this is the time of year when all the hard work begins to show. I feel so lucky to have a piece of land where we can plan and scheme and enjoy the harvest with our friends.
    I see that your roses are showing of their beauty. They must give you so much pleasure. We can forget, for a little while, some of the disappointing and sad events while in our gardens.
    take care.
