Saturday, January 7, 2017

There will be more

Snow, that is

The horse trough fountain is without water,  the Christmas tree has lost its splendor.

Only a little puddle is open, the rest of the pond has frozen over.   The geese and most of the ducks have left. 

Looks lonesome doesn't it. It isn't.

As soon as the sun comes out the world changes.

Have to clear the snow from the windows. 
The greenhouse is heated only by the sun.  

The rest of the snow has melted from the glass. 

That is where my geraniums live during the cold months. 
Some of them are more than 20 years old. 

My greenhouse has blue walls...
they absorb the sun's rays and give off the heat at night. 


Petunias are like geraniums, they never stop blooming.

One of my most favorite greenhouse flowers are the Nasturtiums.  
They don't ask for much, a little water now and then, that's all. 

Iceland Poppies are easy.  I make sure that I plant a few in pots so that I can bring them inside.  

Many species of cacti. 

In other words, I can have flowers all winter,
even if only a little petite bouquet. 

Stay warm dear friends, 



  1. Dear Gina,
    When I think of you I see color, not snow and not loneliness. I am sure there are bleak winter days but then there are always flowers in your vases and in the greenhouse, and the many marvelous painted items in your home. Walls, tiles, plates and bowls, and those heavenly creatures on your ceilings, all created by you.
    I love the photos that show what surrounds you.
    Sending hugs, Sieglinde

  2. Dear Sieglinde,

    Snow is a fabulous artificer. Who doesn't like a walk through a snowy forest. More snow is predicted for the next few days. I love the way it covers a multitude of sins, especially in our little town where so many farmsteads are abandoned.

    My little greenhouse gives me a lot of pleasure. As the days get longer the plants begin to grow again and I can begin thinking about seeding and caring for flowers that will eventually be transplanted to my garden.

    Thank you for your sweet comments. You are the Best.

  3. Yes Gina, when the sunshine returns after a snowfall, it is another world. Your greenhouse is fabulous. I agree with what Sieglinde has commented about color and your world. xo

    1. Dear Frances, I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of Spring Flowers in Central Park. It won't be long. Thank you for your visit. It is truly appreciated.

  4. Gina, your photos are absolutely gorgeous! Happy New Year and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.

    1. Hello Linda, What's the weather like in Montreal. Montreal, one of my favorite cities. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  5. What a joy to see so much colour at this time of year Gina - your greenhouse does you proud.
    No snow here but I was really surprised to see that they actually have snow in both Greece and Turkey.

    1. Dear Rosemary, We have had a lot of snow and it has been very cold. All the more reason to spend a little time in the greenhouse. Thank you for your visit.

  6. Your world is simply beautiful, how wonderful that your flowers and plants continue to bloom inside the greenhouse.

    1. Hello Maggie, After many years of trying different flowers and plants I have learned which plants and which flowers do well in this environment. The best part always is that I can hold over my old geraniums from year to year.

  7. So many pretty images here. How lovely to have those flowers in your greenhouse to chase away any winter blues!

    1. You are so right Ellen, Flowers do the trick for me. We have some pretty gloomy days here at times but working in my little greenhouse always lifts my spirit.

  8. Splendid pictures! The flowers are very pretty!

    1. Thank you Savita and thank you also for your very nice comment.

  9. Beautiful flowers in your winter wonderland. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you Snap and thank you for stopping by.

  10. Outside, white and cold, and you have summer in a greenhouse. Joy to look at the beautiful flowers. Regards.

    1. Hello Giga, Thank you for your visit and thank you also for leaving such a nice comment.

  11. How absolutely splendid to have your greenhouse providing flowers for you throughout the winter. The yellow buildings against the snow are very pretty.

    1. Hello Lorrie, My greenhouse gets me through the winter or else I would be taking off for warmer climates. We copied the yellow color from our trips to Northern Italy. I have never tired of it.
      Thank you for your visit.
