Friday, January 18, 2019

Where is everybody?

Lola and Clyde came looking for me.  

How do they know that I am in the greenhouse?

They can't see it from the pond.

As soon as I let Pasha (on the left) out of the greenhouse, 
Lola and Clyde are waiting for me at the top of the steps.

Sometimes Pasha even gives each goose a hug ...

Pasha sleeps in the greenhouse.  The rest of the time he keeps us company.  
Soon the snow will melt and he will spend his days outside.  

The greenhouse is heated by the sun and gets additional heat when needed. 

They know I'm going to walk around the house with them so that they can have their favorite ground up corn.

They beat me to the trough. 

I have to stand there until Lola and Clyde have their fill. 
After that, it's a free for all.  

Spring is a long way off. 

Stay warm!


  1. Beautifully composed photos and I can't help but marvel at the intensity of colors in the the greenhouse as well as be in AWE when looking at that magnificent tree!

    1. Hello Elizabeth,
      Thank you for your kind comment. We call that tree our picnic tree. It has seen many a champagne cork fly into its canopy.

  2. Lola and Clyde are looking a treat wearing such beautiful pristine white feathers and complimenting the snowy surroundings perfectly, but how beautiful are those trees covered in hoarfrost. I haven't seen a frost like that for some years.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Clyde and Lola know what to wear when it gets cold...not a feather out of place. Hoarfrost covered every tree and every bush that morning. It was a feast for the eyes.

  3. Dear Gina,
    Trying to stay warm even here in Texas as some cold nights have arrived. Your geese are so beautiful and Pasha is a handsome cat. The photos of them are great and also of the pond, the house and the trees against the blue sky.
    Animals seem to know even if one is just thinking about feeding them. I see it often with our little dog.
    I enjoy your wonderful post and send warmest hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      Our geese don't know what to make of Pasha who sometimes sidles around them, one at a time. We have had plenty of blue skies and sunny days. But it is very cold. Seldom have we had temperatures over 20 degrees.
      I agree with you, dogs know what we are thinking even if we are not with them. I'm glad that you have your cute little dog. He is a charming little fellow.

  4. Oh yes, gorgeous Lola and handsome Clyde - I did enjoy meeting them and recall how the dozens of Canada geese would be waiting for their share of corn nibbles from the trough - so many of them! Pasha and the hellebore is so pretty.

    The villa looks spectacular in the snow with the deep blue sky behind. I still have my photo of your home taken in summer as my desktop photo - perhaps I should come back some winter to take another, in the snow, haha! Don't forget dear friend, I survived 3 weeks in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean - I'll knit more cowls/snoods so we'll have plenty to keep our necks cozy!

    Thinking of you and Mr. G. Do stay warm - we are expecting 16F tonight which is cold around these parts.
    Love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      Do you see your apartment in the background of one of the pictures? You should have been here when everything was covered with hoarfrost. What a camera opportunity! You would have made the most of it.

      I have no doubt that you would survive our cold days and nights. Of course there would always be a little Glüwein to warm our innards.

      16 degrees is quite cold. I'm surprised. Hope your tender trees (Fig tree) will make it.

      Speaking of cowls. I love everything about the one you gifted me. It is obvious that you are a very excellent knitter. The stitches are so even and the wool you chose is the finest. I have worn it every single day. Can't thank you enough.

  5. Hello, Lola and Clyde are cute. The hoarfrost is beautiful. Wonderful series of photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

    1. Hello Eileen,
      Lola and Clyde rule the pond around here. They keep us entertained. Thank you for your visit.

  6. Looks like you have lots of critter friends. - Margy

    1. Hi Margy,
      Yes we do. They outnumber the two-legged kind. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  7. Wow that is one gorgeous tree and your garden in winter is beautiful! Lola and Clyde are cute and I like your cat too. You're very lucky to live in your home with your furry and feathered friends.

    1. Hello Carol,
      We are lucky. Living in the country does not appeal to everyone but it works for us. Days are always full of surprises. Thank you for your visit.

  8. You have a wonderful crew there --Lola, Clyde, and Pasha. Your geraniums are looking lovely, too.

    1. Hello Su-sieee,
      Some of my geraniums are more than 10 years old. They always manage to survive in the cold greenhouse. Thank you for stopping by.

  9. Gina - I am amused - how did you name them Lola and Clyde? Not Bonnie and Clyde? It certainly looks like they have consumed their fair share of ground up corn! The second picture is breathtaking - your composition - I just can't stop looking at it! And then the contrast of the flowers in the greenhouse when we just saw so many snow shots. I am so tickled you have joined us at Mosaic Monday!

    1. That is an interesting question Angie. I hadn't thought of it in that way. Lola and Clyde came to us from a public farm and they had already lived with their names for many years. Geese live to be forty years old.
      We have long and cold winters. My humble little greenhouse helps chase the blues away.
      Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday, I know that it is a lot of work. So, Thank You.

  10. I love your Lola & Clyde in the winter scenery <3 That is beautiful tree covered with frost!

  11. Hi Riitta,
    Lola and Clyde are the same color white as the snow. sometimes it is difficult to spot them, but not for long, they always come to the house when they want something. Thank you for your lovely comment.

  12. Lola no Clyde blend well into their snowy environs. Do tell, is their swimming hole frozen over?

    1. Hello Linda,
      Thank you for stopping by.
      Our pond is fed by a Spring. The water comes from deep within and measures 65 degrees. The source area is always "open" hence the many wild ducks and geese that stop by.
      Lola and Clyde spend most of the day and night in and around the pond. They do come looking for us early in the morning and in the evenings. They know that they will get plenty of corn to keep them well and happy.
