Monday, January 28, 2019

Thank Goodness for my little Greenhouse

Over the years I have discovered that many of my garden flowers do well in my winter greenhouse. 

Early in the year I pot up a few annuals such as poppies, snapdragons, petunias, pansies and especially nasturtiums.  They bloom all Summer outside and continue blooming in my winter greenhouse.

My "antique" plate, painted in 2005, is still around.  Just couldn't part with it.  It has all the right flaws.  
This petunia changes yellow and red combinations, all on the same plant.  Sometimes they tend do be a solid red, then they change to a solid yellow and often they are a combination of both and in different patterns. 

When all else fails my geraniums never stop blooming.  I must take new cuttings to rejuvenate some of the more special colors. 

Have a wonderful week.
Thank you dear friends for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments.  You are so appreciated.   


  1. I put several perennials in my green house to winter over---they don't bloom but some will stay green to wit until summer. Maybe I should warm it up more in there

    1. Hello MB,
      Have you tried overwintering geraniums? They bloom all winter. We do have a small portable heater for when it really gets cold outside. We use it mostly for our cat Pasha, who sleeps there every night.

  2. Hello, your flowers are lovely. I wish I had a green house. Beautiful images and mosaic! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

    1. Hello Eileen,
      My little greenhouse does help chasing the winter blues away. It is a simple one, mostly heated by the sun. Thank you for your visit and very nice comment.

  3. Such joyous colours and beautiful flowers Gina - what a great plantswoman you are, and this is all in addition to your special artistic skills. These photos have made me yearn even more for summer.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      As you can see nothing too exotic grows in my greenhouse. Although I was given a small fig tree last summer. It is showing new growth and hopefully, will have a few figs on it just as it did last summer.
      You already have a few spring flowers blooming. I loved seeing your photos of your little snowdrops in your garden.

  4. Dear Gina,
    such a lovely post of colors, light and flowers to brighten the last few days of January.Your greenhouse must give you so much pleasure during the long winter months and you seem to have plenty of room for all your precious plants.I love the proud bird on your hand painted plate and thank goodness as well for your blog.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      Most of my plants are quite hardy. It is mostly filled with geraniums I have had for many years. They don't seem to mind being moved about.
      I painted that bird plate a long time ago. I kept it because it had some intentional flaws and some non intentional flaws. I have been asked if I would sell it but for some reason I could never part with it.

  5. I love seeing your flowers from the greenhouse. Your painted plate is also striking. Sure wish I had a green house to grow flowers year round.

    1. Hi Judy,
      Maybe one day you will have a greenhouse. Remember that old saying 'be careful what you wish for it might come true'.

  6. Gina - you are indeed blessed to have this greenhouse to enjoy in the winter - the best of both worlds! I am amazed that a petunia would produce different flowers on the same plant. Thanks for casting a bit of summer sunshine onto Mosaic Monday!

    1. Dear Angie,
      For a long time I didn't know that petunias are perennials. They do well in my cold greenhouse. I have noticed that they change color when I add a little fertilizer to the water. Wishing you a great week ahead.

  7. The petunia changing its colors is just amazing Gina.
    Love the stance of the bird on your plate, he looks like he's singing his heart out.
    Every piece you have painted is a treasure.
    Glad the greenhouse is full of colors, fragrances and flavors. . . . . . no wonder Pasha often makes it his home!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      Because we have always had dogs we didn't want our cat to also spend the night in the house. Pasha (the cat) willingly walks himself to the greenhouse as soon as the sun begins to go under.
      When you go to Italy, you will see that proud little bird painted on everything from cups to plates to bowls, etc.
      Can't wait to hear your travel plans for this coming year.

  8. Love your little bird plate! Your plants are glorious!
    Wren x

    1. Hello Wren,
      Geraniums always make you look good. They don't require much. Thank you for your visit and thank you also for your very nice comment.

  9. Well, I didn't know that petunias were perennials! I bet I could save some here, too. This winter has been so mild that my geraniums are still doing well, not blooming, but green and growing very slowly. We might get some cooler weather and even snow next week, so I will put them into the garage for a few days. How wonderful to have all that colour in your greenhouse!

    1. Dear Lorrie,
      You are wise to take your geraniums to your garage. My greenhouse is only heated by he sun but that is all the geraniums need. They never stop blooming. In fact, they look better because they are not exposed to the strong winds we have in the summer. The petunia I save is called sky blue. It has a beautiful scent and I love the color in the house when I pick a little bouquet.

  10. Your flowers are all beautiful.

    1. Hello B Parker,
      Thank you for visiting and thank you also for leaving a very nice comment.
