Friday, June 28, 2013

Salpiglossis growing in my Garden

My Salpiglossis are fascinating, maybe you think so too.

They never fail to be noticed in my garden.
Salpiglossis have one major drawback.  When in their prime some of the plants all of a sudden wilt.  Not from lack of water but because a tiny little brown worm has been eating the roots. 

Growing next to other Annuals, here next to the sky-blue Petunia.

With my old fashioned roses.

The Salpiglossis, belonging to the Solanacea family,  is a cousin to the Petunia and is a Chilean Native.

First introduced to the United States in 1823. It is also known as Velvet Flower and/or Painted Tongue.

The name comes from two Greek words meaning trumpet and tongue.

They come in many sensational colors from black to purple to orange, red, yellow and blue.

They remind me of an exotic bird...

or a beautiful Butterfly.

Salpiglossis make long-lasting cut flowers, often fading to an even more sensational color.

Seeds are easy to find.  They grow in many climates but prefer cool nights.   

Have a great remainder of the week my dear
Blogging Friends,


Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Wren's Nest

This fantastically constructed Wren's Nest has been hanging in our Picnic Tree for several years.

It didn't fall out of the tree.  A strong wind broke the branch it had been built upon.

It was still there a few days ago. Can you see it?

You might have to sharpen your wits a little.

Now you can see it.

Will she build another nest? 

You can watch from the Guest Cottage.

And I can watch from the house. It's just across the courtyard. 

Have a wonderful weekend my dear 
Blogging Friends. 



Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Daisies, simple Daisies.

They're not particular.  Daisies will grow anywhere.

Growing in profusion at the back of our house.

Inside or outside, always welcome.

Daisies are so obliging.  Scatter their spent flower heads (whole) wherever you want them to grow.  

Thank you for stopping by. Your friendship is so appreciated.

Have a wonderful week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Make the season last a little longer

Enjoy their beauty a little longer.

Dried Pansies affixed to soap bars. 

You will need: hairspray, scissors,  bar of soap and pressed flowers.

Make sure Pansies are dry.  With scissors, cut away thickest part at back of Pansy.   Arrange face down in an old book.
For more interest fill a few pages with smaller flowers and leaves. 

Place a heavy weight (this is a left over architectural fragment) on top of book and let sit undisturbed for 3 to 4 days. 

 When flowers are dry, spray bar of soap with hairspray and immediately press flowers onto soap. 

So many pretty flowers lend themselves to pressing and drying in books.  No need for a special flower press.  All of the above came from my garden. 

Or you can use a spray-on -fixative or ordinary wood glue to attach flowers. 
Personal note cards, writing paper, greeting cards, lamp shades and candles,  all can be personalized with pressed flowers.  

 Of course there are many other methods of affixing dried botanics.
However, most are very dangerous.  
They involve hot wax, a frying pan and a well ventilated room. 

And a Fire Truck standing by.  

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Mornings around here.

Finally, it is warm and sunny.

We can spend the entire day outside.

I went for a  long walk through the open countryside.

Mr G decided that he better stay home and finish tilling the Squash Patch.

Our Alfalfa field was harvested 2 days ago.   I can now cut across the open fields to get back to my house.

The men are picking up the newly cut hay.  These bales of Alfalfa weigh a ton each and will be used for animal fodder during the coming winter months.    

Lucy and Charlie went with me on my walk and didn't get into trouble. 

I set the table with my newly painted plates and Mr G prepared his famous omelet. 

With Eggs from our happy chickens.

It was a happy Sunday Day. 

Wishing you, my dear Blogging Friends, a wonderful week ahead.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Mein Sonntag Strauss
for you.

We have a bumper crop of Lilacs this year.

One of my favorite varieties, "Sensation".  

 Filling our house with their intoxicating perfume.

The last few tulips found a perfect home.

A perfect Sunday is my wish for you. Thank you for your visit. 
