Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Little spooks come for a visit

These same little Goules come by every year

without fail.
Can't wait to see what they will cook up this year.
Happy Halloween,

Monday, October 28, 2013

An Apple a day and then some

We've had a bumper crop.

Of apples this year.

They'll make delicious apple juice.

The light frost made them sweet and ready to pick.

We'll make a few gallons of Apple Juice.

Cranked by hand, cut up apples are chopped into smaller pieces. 

Then moved to this side to be pressed.

Many more apples growing on our trees.

And more pears already picked.

Some we'll keep in the barn.

Some we'll bring into the house. 

Snow is predicted for tomorrow and there are many more apples to press. 

Want to help?

Have a lovely week my dear friends.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

This year I timed it just right.

Last year I was too late.
You have to get there just after Spring bulbs have been delivered. 

 The coveted Rembrandt Tulip.

Is the first Tulip to disappear from Costco shelves. 

Yes, you can find them in garden catalogs.
But oh, they are expensive.

Tulips were introduced to Europe from Turkey.
Have you heard of "Tulipomania" ?

I have to replant my tulips every year.  Little critters feast on them.
Of course I could enclose each Tulip bulb in a wire cage and plant it or hang it from the ceiling, as was the custom in Holland. 

I planted 400 Tulip bulbs in between a row of Lavender yesterday. 

Have a wonderful weekend my dear Blogging Friends. 


All of the above photographs were taken in my 2012 Spring Garden. 


Monday, October 21, 2013

I don't give up easily

Over the years I have discovered that many of my garden flowers do well in my winter greenhouse. 

Early in the year I pot up a few annuals such as poppies, snapdragons, petunias, pansies and especially nasturtiums.  They bloom all Summer outside and continue blooming in my winter greenhouse.
My "antique" plate, painted in 2005, is still around.  Just couldn't part with it.  It has all the right flaws.  
This petunia changes yellow and red combinations, all on the same plant.  Sometimes they tend do be a solid red, then they change to a solid yellow and often they are a combination of both and in different patterns. 

When all else fails my geraniums never stop blooming.  I must take new cuttings to rejuvenate some of the more special colors. 
Have a wonderful week.
Thank you dear friends for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments.  You are so appreciated.   

Friday, October 18, 2013

Malachite for Mark

Faux Malachite how to.
My friend Mark of All Things Ruffnerian liked the background I used in my last photographs. 
Malachite looks great with a little gold (or a lot of gold).  

A not so true rendition of malachite also works. 
You're in charge, you're the painter.

You will need black and green acrylic paint, a wide foam brush and about 3 to 4 torn cardboard pieces, different sizes.

Start with black and add green.

I added a little yellow to my green because I didn't have the right green.

Blend a little.

With cardboard pieces start making circles

Overlapping circles and using different sized cardboard pieces.

Practice a few times.  You can add a paint conditioner (Floetrol) for more "open" time  or spritz with a little water. 
You'll find many examples of malachite on the Internet. 

When painting boxes seal paint with clear acrylic sealer for extra shine.   

Paint should not be too thick.  You want a smooth and even surface.

 Same idea (swirling paint around on paper) produces a fine stack of greeting cards.

Happy painting my dear Friends, and have a great remainder of the week.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Raiding the Garden for Color.

There are no flowers,
An early Frost took them all. 

Tucked under a frozen Aubergine Plant I found the largest Eggplant I have ever seen. 

Pears and Apples survived the frost and are now preserved for winter months. 

And I have been painting tiles for a new country kitchen.

 Color can be found in the most unexpected places. 

Have a wonderful remainder of the week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 


Monday, October 7, 2013

Now you see it, now you don't

The Main house on the right 
Now you see it,

Now you don't.
When we built our house, 20 years ago, we tucked it in between existing trees.  

More than one hundred year old trees needed to be trimmed. 
Major branches were breaking threatening the house and roof. 
The bucket crew did most of the work.

The climbing crew was called upon when heavy equipment would have destroyed the lawn.

Our fruit trees are still growing.

The guests house has just enough young trees for plenty of privacy.

Have a wonderful week my dear 
Blogging Friends, 


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tell me and win a prize

We have a winner!

Rosemary of
was the first to answer correctly (see below)
Time for a little fun!
It's the merry month of October.

What is it?

The first reader who correctly identifies this object will win
three jars of my famous and most delectable preserves. 
Please leave a comment and good luck.
Answer to the Puzzle

 It's where the cattle hang out, rubbing their bodies against the fence.

Where he goes his girls are not far behind.

Have a great remainder of the week.
