Monday, June 30, 2014

Love at first sight

You haven't lived until you have hugged a goose!

Recently, Lisa had to say goodbye to many of her friends.  

"All of my geese are rescues. My oldest rescue is 13.   I revived him in my hands after his mother abandoned him". 

Lisa was told that her geese had to be separated and relocated from a county park they had been allowed to call home for many years.  

"It is hard for geese to be separated from their family of geese they know and rely upon for their survival".

It was difficult to find good homes for all of her charges. 

It was very traumatic, for Lisa and her geese. 

"Geese communicate with each other about who to trust.  I am fortunate to have found homes where I can visit them".  

All photographs by Lisa's Sister,  Chris Deneris

That is how Clyde and Lola joined our household.    

Have a lovely week my dear friends.  It is always so nice to visit with you.  


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Here's the Deal

How would you like to come and help me weed my flower bed?  

No not this one.  This is last years flower bed.

It's this one I need help with.
 You will have to bring your own hoe.  This one was given to me by a very special friend...more than 30 years ago. 

The handle was originally much longer, every time it breaks, the handle gets shorter.

Now, here's the deal

You will be wined and dined. You get to stay in your very own house. 

Fresh Eggs from our chickens for Breakfast and Champagne in the afternoon.  

But first 

 I have to show you what flower seedlings look like.   I won't bother showing you the weeds

1) Asters from Lake Maggiore
2) Cosmos,  3) Zinnias,  4) Nasturtiums,
5) Phacelia,  6, Cherry Tomato.  7) Dill
8) Hollyhock.

The problem is; you have to find them among the weeds.

But your rewards will be manifold.

I will send you pictures in August.

Have a wonderful remainder of the week my dear friends. 


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday morning drive

Going for a Sunday Drive.

So many roads to follow.
And always the bluest of skies.

Cattle up to their ears in tall grasses.

Alfalfa stacked 2 tons high. 

Looking towards home.

Home again. 

Just in time

for a Champagne Brunch 

Have a great Sunday my dear friends. 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Almost a year later

From Texas came the Anabaptists and built the framework for this new house located in central Utah. 

Built with rough-sawn cypress timber, reclaimed from a 200 year old barn originally from Upstate New York. 

Built for our friends Gwen and Stan by 
Heritage Barns

The beginning, July 2013.

Almost a year later, June 2014.

A lot more work to be done.

The original timbers will be exposed.

Where will these stones go?  A fireplace?

A handsome old tree greets the visitor.

A dream almost fulfilled. 

Have a great remainder of the week my dear friends.  

And may all YOUR dreams come true. 


Friday, June 13, 2014

My life is full of Rows.

Have you noticed?

Life is full of Rows.

Our newly cut Alfalfa field is full of Rows.

My Flower pots are standing in a Row.

My daisies growing in a Row.

My cabbages in a Row.

My hand painted Plates in Rows. 

Shading our driveway, Summit Ash in a Row.

Enclosing one of our pastures, cedar posts in a Row. 

Our house has windows in a Row.

And balustrades in Rows.

It all began with a lane of trees in a Row. 

Wishing you a very special weekend. 

Thank you for stopping by. 

I always appreciate your visits.  


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Morning Daisies

Daisies everywhere

Making a big show.

Happy Sunday Morning to you,
my dear Blogging Friends,


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Rose Petal Potpourri

Do save your rose petals.

And make an old fashioned Moist Potpourri.

Loved by Gertrude Jekyll: "The dry is much the easier and quicker to make, but is neither so sweet nor so enduring".

 Making moist Rose Potpourri is very easy, it is the oldest way of making Potpourri. 

Layer rose petals and coarse non-iodized salt in a non-porous container.
Ratio of 3 to 1, petals to salt.

As more of your roses fade add them to the mix, adding more salt as well.  Keep in dark place and stir with a wooden spoon now and then. 

 This is my moist potpourri, more than 20 years old.
Still has the most divine and mysterious perfume. 
I know, it's not very pretty.
It is meant to be hidden in a beautiful and perforated container. 

You may want to add the following: Lavender Flowers, Rose Geranium Leaves, Essential Oils, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, powdered orris root.

Your moist potpourri is ready to use in about 6 months.

Have a lovely week my dear
Blogging Friends.


Partial re-post, August 2012