Saturday, July 30, 2016


And all the fun and work that comes with it.

My new Tayberry bush is doing well.  This luscious fruit needs a special accompaniment

A Sabayon or if in Italy, a Zabaglione is the perfect answer. 
Recipe here

You will need a double boiler and a tireless arm. 

My Basil is perfect for picking and perfect for making Pesto.

It will go to seed in a few days. Must stock up on Pine Nuts and the very best olive oil I can find.

Apricots are ripe, ready for preserves.

Now this is the variety of Opium Poppy I don't like.  
I like simple flowers. 
When these poppies first opened I started to pull some of them out.

But then thought better of it. 

If I had pulled them all I would have missed these Beauties. 

I'm still bottle feeding Liesel.  

Sunflowers are volunteering in the Squash Patch.

Ronde de Nice or Rolly Pollies are ready.
They are the very best Summer Squash. 

And I have been painting a lot of tiles for new kitchens.  

It's another beautiful day here.  
Hope you are enjoying summer.  


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Off he goes

To the Parade





Gone to the Parade on his classic Ford Jubilee (1953) Tractor 

Utah celebrates Pioneer Day.

Pioneer Day commemorates the first day Mormon Pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847

In our little town everyone is welcome to enter the parade. 

Our very own Horse Whisperer, Tennessee, takes his mules and wagons all over the United States.  

 Hard working Mules are preferred around these parts. 

Our friend Craig and his monster 1937 tractor.

And there he is waving to his adoring public. 

May each day be a very special day for you.  


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Pineapple upside-down Cake

Or it will be

When I turn it over.  

Recipe follows.

Volunteer sunflowers from my Garden. 
They always bloom early. 

 The next group, the planted sunflowers, bloom much later.

The wonderful thing about Pineapples, they are always available.  

When not being used in a recipe they make fine centerpieces. 

Pineapple upside-down Cake
Line baking dish with
1 fresh Pineapple cut up into small pieces
4 Tb unsalted butter, melted
½ cup of brown sugar

Mix together
1¼ cups sifted flour
½ cup sugar
½ tsp sea salt
2 tsp baking powder
½ cup melted butter
½ cup of fresh orange juice
juice from ½ lemon and
2 Tb grated lemon peel

Mix all ingredients and add one beaten whole egg.
Stir batter two minutes by hand with wooden spoon.
Pour over Pineapple mixture.
Bake at 375 for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
Let stand 5 minutes, turn upside down.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


Sunday, July 17, 2016

It's Sunday


Live each day to the fullest.

You deserve it.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Don't peel the Beets

What is Summer without a Beet Salad? 

Instead of round beets grow cylindrical beets next year.  

They cook evenly and slice evenly and taste terrific.

Leave tops and roots intact, 
that way they won't bleed. 

Bake them or boil them, but don't peel them. 
Baking intensifies flavor.

When al dente let cool. 
While still warm twist beets in both directions. 
 Skin will come off in one piece.  

Slice beets, season with coarse salt, toss with Balsamic Vinegar and add
finely chopped, medium sized onion. 

Have a wonderful week dear friends.


Partial repost August 1, 2014

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The garden is growing

and here is proof

Swiss Chard Bright Lights showing off. 

 Kale, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Basil, Collards, Tomato and Onions Quiche.
Beat eggs with cream and pour over steamed vegetables. Add tomato slices, crisp bacon pieces.  Add a little cheese on top and bake @ 325 until lightly browned on edges (about an hour) 

No recipe necessary, just add ingredients in the order in which you like them and in the amounts you like. 

Our geese have been on midnight raids.  Had to cover the Italian Parsley with chicken wire. 

Makes me wonder why they like only the Italian Parsley. 
A couple of weeks ago they went after the newly planted sage.

My neighbor, "Kissin Kate" would like to have a stomp through my garden.  
She is the one who abandoned her newborn.  
I'm still bottle feeding her calf Liesel who is doing splendidly.  

Did you know that female cows also have horns? 

These Tuberous Begonias are amazing. They are more than 10 years old.  

Just before a severe frost they go under a bench in the greenhouse where they go completely dormant. 

They have never been out of their clay pots and they have never been fertilized. 
Go figure.  

The flower pots are doing well. 

My rose bushes are a most pitiful sight. 

But I have been able to coax a few bouquets out of one else can grow roses in this high desert climate.  

What we do have, are the bluest of skies. 

Have a great remainder of the week dear friends,


Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July

