Thursday, January 31, 2019

Must paint more bowls

Large or small, it doesn't matter.  

No matter how many bowls I paint I never get to keep any of them. 
Unless they come out of the kiln as a reject. 
That is the fun part.  I never know. 

Some of my bowls take a little more time to paint.

Some are sweet and simple.

And then there is everyone's favorite, blue, blue and more blue. 

I enjoy painting this border.  I make it up as I go along.  It never ends up looking the same.  


Happy and easy.

Sometimes I even paint the outside.

Some hold a lot, some little. 

This is still my favorite bowl.  

Have a great remainder of the week, dear friends, 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Thank Goodness for my little Greenhouse

Over the years I have discovered that many of my garden flowers do well in my winter greenhouse. 

Early in the year I pot up a few annuals such as poppies, snapdragons, petunias, pansies and especially nasturtiums.  They bloom all Summer outside and continue blooming in my winter greenhouse.

My "antique" plate, painted in 2005, is still around.  Just couldn't part with it.  It has all the right flaws.  
This petunia changes yellow and red combinations, all on the same plant.  Sometimes they tend do be a solid red, then they change to a solid yellow and often they are a combination of both and in different patterns. 

When all else fails my geraniums never stop blooming.  I must take new cuttings to rejuvenate some of the more special colors. 

Have a wonderful week.
Thank you dear friends for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments.  You are so appreciated.   

Friday, January 18, 2019

Where is everybody?

Lola and Clyde came looking for me.  

How do they know that I am in the greenhouse?

They can't see it from the pond.

As soon as I let Pasha (on the left) out of the greenhouse, 
Lola and Clyde are waiting for me at the top of the steps.

Sometimes Pasha even gives each goose a hug ...

Pasha sleeps in the greenhouse.  The rest of the time he keeps us company.  
Soon the snow will melt and he will spend his days outside.  

The greenhouse is heated by the sun and gets additional heat when needed. 

They know I'm going to walk around the house with them so that they can have their favorite ground up corn.

They beat me to the trough. 

I have to stand there until Lola and Clyde have their fill. 
After that, it's a free for all.  

Spring is a long way off. 

Stay warm!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

In the blink of an eye.

Just like that, and it is done.

Puff Pastry sheets are the secret. 

I use my frozen apple filling.
(sliced and cooked apples with sugar and cinnamon added)

On a floured surface roll out puff pastry.
Brush with egg wash.

Cut into 9 squares.
Fill with cooked fruit.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightly browned. 

There are no failures.

Easy to follow instructions are printed on the box.  

Bottled apples also work.
Warm Summer days are locked into every bottle.  

We had lots of apples last summer. 
Will the coming year be as generous?  

Happy baking. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A perfect day

 The Haflingers, "Hit and Run"

were raring to go. 

Oops, his hairdo collapsed but he has no trouble seeing.  "Run" is used to having his mane draped over his eyes. 

Jingle bells never sounded sweeter. 

Almost forgot the horse hair plumes.  

All aboard, Tennessee knows how to talk to his horses, and to his mules.  For years he has made little boys and little girls (and many  adults) happy by taking them for rides winter and summer.  
Tennessee is our local "horse whisperer" and we are so lucky that he lives in our community. 

Thank you M'lisa and Craig for providing your beautifully restored antique sleigh. 

Off we go.  

Haflingers, also known as Avelignese, are a breed of horses developed in Austria and Italy.  They were first introduced in the Middle Ages.  Their ancestors come from the foothills of the Alps of  Austria and Italy, the area known as the Südtirol.  Haflingers  are known for their energetic but smooth and elegant gate. 

All Haflingers can trace their lineage back to "Folie" (born in 1874) through one of seven bloodlines.  

Our friend Craig, who loves carriages and owns many, made it all happen.  
Thank you Craig for giving us such a special day to start out the New Year.  
