Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Something Old and something New

Just because it's old and just because it's new.

An old book with forgotten but now new ideas
 and a new platter with a very old  design.

A very large Platter just out of the kiln this morning. 

In a few weeks Heritage Day Celebrations will take over our town.  

Visitors come from far and wide.  

Many Artists will participate.  

Some of the proceeds will go to the renovations of our historic Spring City School.  

Hope you are having a great week.  

Thank you for stopping by.  Your visits are always so appreciated..  


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rain, lots of it, finally.

No snow this time. Hallelujah 

Calves are becoming independent.

The Pond is overflowing, the extra water is irrigating our dry pastures.  

Daffodils are still going strong. 

Will you join me for a little quiz at the end of this post?

My greenhouse is holding little seedlings waiting for the weather to improve.  

My Oleander tree is making a comeback. It's been in the greenhouse all winter.  I have given it copious amounts of water this year.  What a difference that made.  

Little lambs don't mind the rain, their woolly mothers keep them close.  

Now, here is the Quiz.

You might think that you know this familiar flower.  

It's the growth habit that might confuse most gardeners.  

I purchased this particular plant more than forty years ago. 
I started with one plant and now I have only one plant left.

I was successful in propagating it before and I will do it again.  

Have a great weekend my dear friends. 


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

French Sorrel is at its finest right now.

After several false starts...

Spring has officially arrived in our neck of the woods. 

How do I know?  It's when French Sorrel begins to grow in my garden.

Now is the time to pick the tender leaves for a delicious Spring salad. 

There is no recipe.  It's whatever is growing in the garden. Young  French Sorrel (Sauerampfer as I know it) leaves, chive blossoms, violas, nasturtium leaves, young sage leaves, horseradish blossoms and watercress from our Spring.  Balsamic vinegar and a good olive oil, sea salt and pepper to taste.  Add a few curls of Parmigiano Reggiano. 

It doesn't take long and it will go to seed. 

French Sorrel is a pretty plant in your garden and easily available in most garden shops.

Have a great week my dear 


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Live your life to the fullest.

I am celebrating because this is my 

Blog Post No. 700

I was told that this large jewel was too big for a short girl like me.  

How can that be? 

I was not deterred.  It has been my Talisman for over 50 years.

Follow your own heart.  

Thank you dear friends for reading me.  


Monday, April 13, 2015

Wishing you a happy week.

A few charming little pansies to lift your spirits. 

Have a great week dear friends, 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Very cold, very windy

Back to Winter

And to my greenhouse for a little color.

New snow in the mountains to the East. 

Waiting to be planted outside.

Theresa's hand painted rocks,  FROM HER NEWLY OPENED ETSY SHOP,  bring a little color to the inside. 

Theresa writes a very special blog ART'S THE ANSWER.
Please visit her.

Aren't these beautiful!

Each hand painted stone a masterpiece.  

My greenhouse makes waiting for Spring a little easier. 

Have a great week my dear friends. 


Saturday, April 4, 2015

If only

you could taste Karen's chocolates!

My friend Karen makes the finest, yes the very best Chocolates.  
I know.  I am a chocolate Aficionado.  I have tasted the best from every corner of the world.    

Even these chocolate leaves are made with re-tempered Belgian Chocolate. 

Bavarian Mint, Serrano Pepper with Lime Zest, Tagine, 
German Chocolate Truffle, Raspberry Likör, Grapefruit, Almond and Cheesecake are only a few names which belong to these superior and most delicious chocolates. 

Karen tells me that "she looses herself making chocolates and loves doing it".

I know that she will make some for you.  All you have to do is ask.

Wishing you and yours a most wonderful Easter Celebration.


Thursday, April 2, 2015


We had to do it.

The Firemen came and burned the Cattails and wild underbrush. 

It burned into the night. 

They spared my Daffodils.

The ducks and geese looked on from a safe distance.

The wind shifted just in time.

They have made it through the fire but will have to toughen it out tonight. Eighteen degrees Fahrenheit is predicted for tonight. 

See the heavy underbrush? 

All gone.

By the end of May it will be lush and green again. 

Are you getting ready for Easter?

I have a friend who makes the finest, yes the finest chocolates.  

I have placed my order.  

Have a great remainder of the week. 
